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Troubleshooting Knowledge Base Articles

How to Fix 429 Error with IndexNow API

When you publish a post, you want search engines to find and index it immediately. Rank Math makes this possible...

Why Google Displays URL Instead of Site Name in SERP?

When a result is displayed in Google search, it is standard practice to have the site name at the top,...

How to Fix Page Fetch Error Failed: Hostload Exceeded

If you encountered a Failed: Hostload exceeded error while inspecting your URL in Google Search Console, it means Google has...

How to Whitelist Rank Math in Sucuri

To protect your site from hackers, you turn to a security platform like Sucuri. But after activating Sucuri, you may...

How to Whitelist Rank Math in Cloudflare

Rank Math uses REST API requests to fetch & update data on your website. So if you’re using Cloudflare, there...

No Information is Available for This Page

When your site appears in Google search results, the visitors will first read the meta title and description that will...

Is Your Site the Victim of Internal Site Search Spam?

Internal site search spam attacks can be a nightmare.  They are well-disguised, hidden away from plain sight. And the longer...

How to Fix ‘Action Scheduler: 0 past-due actions found; something may be wrong’

Are you encountering the “Action Scheduler: 0 past-due actions found: something may be wrong” warning on your WordPress dashboard? You...

How to Fix Problems While Connecting Account Using Rank Math

Do you have problems while connecting account using Rank Math? Or have you ever encountered the warning “Seems like your...

How to Fix PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10): Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature

If you’ve tried to update Rank Math’s PRO version and received the “PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10): Unable to find End of Central...

How to Fix 403 Forbidden Error with IndexNow

If you see a 403 Forbidden error when you try to access the IndexNow key location, don’t worry – you’re...

How to Fix ‘Blocked by robots.txt’ Error in Google Search Console

If you’ve ever seen the “Blocked by robots.txt” error in your Google Search Console and in the Index Status report...

How to Fix ‘Duplicate, Submitted URL Not Selected as Canonical’ Issue in Google Search Console

You know how frustrating it can be if you have seen the “Duplicate, Submitted URL not selected as canonical” status...

How to Fix ‘Page Indexed Without Content’ Issue in Google Search Console

If you see the page indexed without content warning status in Google Search Console and in the Index Status report...

How to Fix the Submitted URL Seems to Be a “Soft 404” Error

If you see the error submitted URL seems to be a soft 404 in your Google Search Console and the...